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Registration / Login

User can sign-up/in using his phone number via SMS
User can resend verification code
User can set his display name
User can set his avatar

Chat room

User can see list of contacts
User can create private rooms
User can create group rooms
User can set group name, avatar and users when creating group chat
User can add or remove members in group chat if he is admin
User can add other admins in group chat if he is admin
User can remove other admins in group chat if he is admin
User can edit name, avatar of group chat if he is admin
User can see chat room updates as they happen (SSE)
User can create api keys (bots) if he is group admin
User can create webhooks if he is group admin
User can mute notifications for any room
User can block user in private room
User can exit group (if not last admin)
User can see room notes
User can create room note
User can edit room note
User can remove room note
User can share link to room note
User can open note link and display note
User can join room call

Chat messages

User can send text messages
User can see text messages
User can send audio messages
User can play audio messages
User can send video messages
User can play video messages
User can send image messages
User can see image messages
User can send file messages
User can download file messages
User can see message details (created/updated date, received/delivered list)
User can share link to specific message
User can open message link and scroll to message
User can reply on message
User can get new messages while in chat or in app (SSE)
User can get new messages while not in app (PUSH)
User can delete his message for everybody
User can delete message for himself
User can update text message
User can see live changes when someone else updates or deletes message (SSE)
User can leave reaction on message
User can see live changes when someone else leaves reaction (SSE)

User settings

User can update or remove his avatar
User can update display name
User can use dark mode
User can see all blocked users
User can unblock user