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Setting up for development

You can start developing using docker or you can set up manually.

Using docker

There is a sample docker-compose.yml in the repo so reusing the sample is the easiest way to set up the local dev environment. Here you can find the file. This tutorial uses the sample file (this tutorial is for Ubuntu 22.04 ).

Set up the required software and Node.js

$ sudo apt-get install curl build-essential python3 pip
$ curl -o- | bash
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ nvm install v20.7.0
$ nvm use v20.7.0

Clone the repo and prepare libraries

$ git clone
$ cd Spika3
$ npm install
$ cp .env-sample .env

Then you have to install the docker. Please check it out here, and install the docker and docker-compose.

Set up the docker-compose.yml and start containers.

mv docker-compose.yml.sample docker-compose.yml

#change if you need..
nano docker-compose.yml

#update .env to use the docker-compose config
nano .env

Build the frontend and start the server.

$ npx prisma migrate dev

# Build web clients
$ npm run build:management
$ npm run build:messenger

# Start server
$ npm run start:server


Set up the required software and Node.js

$ sudo apt-get install curl build-essential python3 pip
$ curl -o- | bash
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ nvm install v20.7.0
$ nvm use v20.7.0

Set up MySQL, RabbitMQ, Redis

Click here for instructions for installing MySQL in Ubuntu 20.04.
Click here for instructions for installing RabbitMQ in Ubuntu 20.04.

Install the Redis server

$ sudo apt install redis-server

Clone the repo and prepare libraries

$ git clone
$ cd Spika3
$ npm install
$ cp .env-sample .env

Build the frontend and start the server.

$ npx prisma migrate dev

# Build web clients
$ npm run build:management
$ npm run build:messenger

# Start server
$ npm run start:server

Developing backend

$ npm run dev:server

Developing frontend

$ npm run dev:messenger

Developing management

$ npm run dev:management